Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Dozen Reasons You are a Happy Person

We generally are happy people, and we must train our brain to think so. hehehe...
We often overlook how we feel. The small things we do usually show that we are just happy people, but we don't realize that. If you did at least a few things on this list, you are a happy person. You just need to take them into account. All these I got from an article by DC Sean.

You Laugh Out Loud (i think this is Me!)
When you laugh, your body pump out endorphins, the chemicals that boost energy and alleviate depression, and the stress hormones will also drop.

You Drink Plenty of Water
You don't have to drink 8 glasses of water each day. As long as you keep hydrated, drink water with meals, and when you are thirsty, you are doing just fine.

You are In Tune with Nature
It can lower stress and promote a sense of well being. Even if you just sit on a park bench for 15 minutes and simply being outdoor is a healing act in itself.

You Hang Out with Friends
When you are troubled and you unload your burden to your friends, your body and mind will feel lighter as though the problem is solved when in fact it is not.

You Eat Vegetables and Fruits
The darker and more colorful fruits and vegetables like broccoli, red peppers, blueberries, and banana, the more nutrients they contain.

You Wash Your Hands
Flu, colds, and other common illnesses are spread through touching. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and rub them in warm water for at least 20 seconds.

You Floss Your Teeth
Not only you ward off gum disease, you also keep your beautiful smile intact even if you only floss once a week. Research also suggests that having gum disease may increase your odds of cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes.

You Practice Deep Breathing
Deep breathing cuts stress instantly. Try six slow breaths per minute to lower blood pressure.
You Get Enough SleepHaving enough sleep enhances your mood, memory, and problem-solving ability. On an average, seven to eight hours of sleep nightly is ideal.

You Have a Pet (sadly to say i never have pet!)
It doesn't matter how terrible your day was, you forget it as soon as you pet your furry friend. It gives you instant stress reduction.

You Work Your Brain
When you keep your brain sharp by learning or doing something new, you promote longevity.
You are Loved Realizing that your family and friends love you, release feel-good chemicals like serotonin.

We do these things almost every day, but we don't think that they make us a happy person. Think about it, if we are not happy people, we would not bother to take care of ourselves so well, or pay attention to what we do. We just need to have gratitude in small things. In other word, I can say why do we make our life so complicated, right? Just fikir lebih kurang je la kan! We are generally happy people, and we must train our brain to think so.

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