Wednesday, June 11, 2008


No more tears... semalam Fahmie call bgtau nak balik hari ni n asked me to pick him up at putra... okla mcm tu.. terus senyummmmmmm sampai ke telinga.......

Being a long-distance couple is not easy as you think. Patient and prays are the key of the strength. Every night the tears come and come... It's just hard situation especially for me who decided to get married earlier. Menyesal? Never... X pernah terlintas pun nak menyesal dengan perkahwinan ini. Nauzubillah.. x pernah... Perkahwinan is something yang baik.. Tak sesuaii nak menyesal. Even after the niqah that day, I was cried n cried reading all the lafaz taqlid.. And the emotion is still the same until now... And I believe Fahmie feel the same things too.... Kerinduaan..kerinduan...dan kerinduan....

Oklah..xnak sedih sedih lagi...

Just nak share my experience as a long-distance wife.. Guess what I never been experienced the real responsibility as a wife. Cooking, washing, cleaning, preparing breakfast, gardening....and all that a wife should do and must do. I hope to do that when he come back home tonight! (seen after niqah, we never met up!). My only routines are the waiting, the reminding bit, longing, quarreling on the phone, jealousy.... I enjoyed every second of it though I must say there were times that I didn't. Ahakzzzz... I'm sure all the wives out there enjoy carrying the responsibilities. Kan? Jangan lupa share nanti ok!

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