Tuesday, June 24, 2008

my bad day ;(

So malu.... I think yesterday was my unlucky day! Dahlah lambat, touch n go pulak buat hal! Plus terjadi la pulak satu insiden yang cukup mengharukan lagi menyedihkan! Jeng..jeng... The story began when I was walking from the lrt station to enter the office lobby, so happened my right leg was stepped on accidentally to the kain of my baju kurung (Terajin la pulak semlm nk pakai baju kurung) and gedebuk........ Ya Allah...so painful... I was fell down at the road near by the junction. So malu and so sakittttttttttt.... Only Allah knows the 'pain' I suffered on that time. I cant even woke up and standing usually. A lady came to help me to stand and one of the pakcik there tried to massage my left knee seen I cant standing properly. Guess what? Jammed la pulak tepi junction tu. Everybody was staring and looking at me.. They were whispering each other.. 'Kesian budak tu jatuh terjelepuk!'...'Dahlah pakai baju kurung, pakai heels lagi mmg padanlah jatuh!'..... 'Ala kelakarla plak minah ni tergolek'.....'Mcm nangka busuk jatuh!'... bla...bla..bla... I was thinking that they might putting me off with the kind of words while looking at me... So embarrassed! However...when experienced how nice the kakak and the pakcik are, automatically my heart and soul become calm and relieved. Alhamdulliah, the people there didnt dare to watch me terkontang kanting to stand up properly. Fuh, about 10 minutes there, I managed to walk slowly by myself entering to the office. Walking so slow like a snail make me wanna cry once more! When I reached my department, I went to Sara's cubical, asking her to check my injury because I can felt the bleeding at my right leg. Surprisingly to see my lutut penuh dengan darah. Sara gave me the tissue and asked me to wipe the blood. Pedihnye! Dah lama x luka mcm ni. Last time I remember my injury was almost the past 10 years when my left leg tricked by the motorcyle's exhaust. Hahahahaha... Berbekas lagila kaki aku!

At last... i was taking an half day seen the painful keep dag dig dug until it spoiled my concentration towards work. Fahmie pick me up around 3 pm and we just lepak lepak dekat rumah....

Guest what? Around 8 pm, we went to OU to watch movie just to celebrate 1st month wedding anniversary... Hahaha.. Suddenly, i felt my leg was super duper ok last night...

and yet today it become painful and painful...... I'm thinking now to take mc or not ;)

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