I'm suppose to write this earlier...when the story still hype inside my head! When the story still hot like a bake cake get over from the oven! Ha gitu.....Aduhai.....cerita da lepas sebulan dah! Siap post teaser lagi nk share story konon...amik ko! Blaim it to work pls! muahahahhahahah *ketawa monyet* ..Ok x payah cemas & gelabah sgt la! Mane yg teringat I'll share je ok.
But truly, the reason I need to jot down this journey is because this was one of my challenging & memorable time in life.... I said to my dear heart while I was there ' whatever happened in Endau-Rompin, stays in Endau- Rompin! '...hahahahha.... and I guess ppl who just know me in 'surface' will not imagine I can do this tau! Ala... jgn ingt I yg budget mcm mak org yg ala2 bimbo nie x mampu ok nk mengharungi hutan belantara dengan pacat bagai2 binatang semua tu ok! Hahahha! *ketawa Evil* ops --
When I got this opportunity to go there, ape lagi excited la! To be truth...me?..is not an indoor person! Not because of I really don't get into that activity, it's just I don't have opportunity to do that. What to expect me! Keje kat advertising & mktg department....pagi keluar rumah balik malam....mak org lagi, ade toddler nk kene jage lg... some more an adorable & fun wife lagik! (ops xnak kurang jugk!) Of course my weekend will be my family time, mane la ade mase nk fikir camping, panjat bukit, panjat gunung, water rafting bagai mcm mase bujang trang tang tang dulu tu cik kak oiiiiiiii! Kan? Ok back to the story, we went there for 3D2N trip, not having a proper settlement ok....ni mmg camping tido atas tanah erk...of course la ade sleeping bag tu tp xde nk check in check in dkt 3/4 star hotel/resort.. check in kat Kompleks Pelawat Endau Rompin aderla.... huhuhuu.... we stayed @ Campsite Kuala Marong...
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All the way road to go to Endau Rompin National Park...4 hours journey! *kalau x silap la* |
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This is our camp site@ Kuala Marong. Got proper toilet but no light ok! |
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This is boat yang bawa kami from Kompleks Pelawat to camp site |
Fun but tough activity was trekking to Buaya Sangkut! Punyerlah mencabar nk sustain & maintain tahap kesabaran & kecekalan... but I really thankful I went there with a good team! Thanks bestie!
And the best part I was stopped from screaming when saw thousands of leeches at my shoes! Dah x larat kot nk menjerit...lantaklah ko nk hisap sgt kan darah aku kan..ha amik..amik..amik....;p
inilah die yg aku katekan 'leech fest' woot woot... x payah nk geli sgt ok!;p |
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one of waterfall @ Buaya Sangkut... Nice scenery there.. Subhanallah. |
Ops lupe nak highlight ya, kalau rase nk percutian yang peace of mind mmg national park bukanlah PILIHAN YG IDEAL ok.... pegi masuk Club Med ke, gie Bali ke Krabi ke ikut travel agents ke okies!! :) Nak cantik2 g holiday pun bukan kat national park ya... itu bole pegi Paris ke London ke, x pun paling chikai g PD! Hahahahah motip sgt :)) Because I tell you the most scary thing there..was the leech! Bukan takat pacat color coklat yang biase2 tau... ni pacat rupe mcm ular sawa type tp just kecik je mcm dlm gmbr kt atas tu..... Don't wory later I will share the tips ya to make the leech tak suka u ols! hahhahahha ..
In other part, swimming @ Tasik Air Biru... erk..swimming ok??? x payah nk eksyen sgt...semua org tau aku mmg tak pandai berenang kan! hahahhahahahhaha *ketawa jahat* okla... reword .. not swimming tapi berendam ala2 blue hyppo @ Tasik Air Biru :) And not to forget tgk air sungai yang tersgtlah crystal clear dkt area our camp site tu, ikan kelah berenang2 mmg nmpk jelas ok! Subhanaallah ader lagi sungai yang jernih dkt Malaysia ni....:)
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Sbb tu name die Tasik Air Biru... biru air sungai die... |
And plus...we went to Upeh Guling waterfall jugak, 15-20 mins trekking from our campsite.
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Upeh Guling pic I goggled! ;) |
I guess, you guys kalau nk info trip bole je surf @ http://johorparks.blogspot.com/
Johor National Park Endau-Rompin (PETA), 11, Jalan Bawal 1, Taman Kahang Baru, 86700 Kahang, Kluang.Tel : +607-922 2812
Don't worry, the staffs there were like friends.. they ols tersgt lah helpful & friendly... and oh btw, I was thankful to our guide, Hishamuddin namenye... he was native ppl at Perkampungan org asli dlm area2 national park tu. Baik walaupun mule2 x byk ckp orgnye! And he was so kind pinjamkan selipar die for 3D2N kt aku coz sampai2 first day tu selipar aku putus! Huhhuhuhuhu..... luckily it was not Croc! ;D
Ok, now nak bagi tips cara2 nak elakkan/kurangkan gigitan cinta si pacat! cinta la sgt kan... euwwww...
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mcm ni lah rupe stokin pacat tu |
- Beli stokin pacat yang disyorkan oleh team PETA kat Kluang office tu. At least susah sikit pacat nk masuk gigit kat kaki, by the time they ols tgh merangkak nk cari spot u ols da nmpk kt stokin tu ;p
- Pacat x suke masin! Lumur kaki sentiasa dgn garam. Even kiteorg buat experiment masukkan one of the leech inside the salty water and immediately they dead.... bukan dera binatang ya ini experiment of pilot test ;p
- Staff @ Kompleks Pelawat ade syorkan beli sabun cap 999, ntah sabun ape ntah tapi katenye cover in green color. we ols x sempat nk beli.
- You can always bring insect repellent but seriously it was not really helping from avoiding leech! Hehehhe..for mosquitoes boleh la kot! ;D
Note: pictures were stolen from goggle! hahhaha... x sempat nk bawa camera bagai sbb camera handfone OFF x digunakan dgn alasan nak save battery coz no charger place for 3D2N stay there ok... harap maklum :**
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