Tuesday, March 1, 2011

career woman yes, committed yes, workaholic no!!

I can consider myself as a career woman, but I'm not a workaholic type!teeehaaa..

Why I say that?

  1. I still listing miqa & hubby in my top rank, if it's clash with the work commitment that I have to handle it. Example: if miqa having high fever during the day I have event, I can buat muke toya to my boss asking for EL. Which I think a maniac career woman will not do that. Perhaps they will send the kid to clinic and asking maid to look after the kid as they need to attend important event.
  2. I still have my own space with friends, (though nowadays, it is not be so often;p). At least I still can enjoy teh tarik and gossiping after office time..
To whom it may concern,

I might be go back late from office 'selalu', it is becos of the work commitment of my job scope which tight to the dateline and conducting event management without following the office hours most of the time!

So, let's correct the first sentence up there:

I can consider myself as a career woman, but I'm not a workaholic type!
However I want to deliver all the tasks as what had been assigned to me due to the 'amanah' given. In other words, I'm a committed person la kan!

Ok, let's retype:

I can consider myself as a career woman, but I'm not a workaholic type!
I'm a committed person!

entry to depend diri sendiri.
psst://Thanks to mr hubby for the understanding. pls continue backing me ya..:)


Jelita78 said...

Saya sokong!

Mesti komited kepada pelanggan.. Dan berusaha.. Opss dah start nyanyi lak.. Shhhh.. Ujan kang! Bwahahha

Anyway, yes, family still comes first and foremost!
Thats what makes us the greatest mommy of all!

Gya said...

farah...mcm tau jek sape 'to whom it may concern' tu ;p

cik jelita pun ada sini? ekekeke

Jelita78 said...

iyer, aku pon ada kat sini gak..

dengki laa tu, g-ya ni!