You don’t even have to have been in a real and legitimate relationship with her. You didn’t even have to utter those three magic words that everyone waits to hear in romance. You didn’t even have to put labels to what you had. You didn’t have to call her your girlfriend. All you needed to do was express the slightest interest in her and that was more than enough...
You only needed to let her know that you actually had the potential to be something special. You only needed to give her the smallest glimpse of hope, and she took it without hesitation. A few deep gazes into her eyes, a subtle caress of her skin, and an innocent kiss on her cheek, and you had her hooked.
It was a matter of reeling her in and keeping her with you for the rest of your life...
However, don’t think for one second that she’s weak because you found it a little too easy to actually keep her on a leash. She isn’t some weakling that you can expect to use and abuse at any moment’s notice. She’s not desperate for love and affection although that’s what you may be inclined to believe. In fact, she’s a very strong and independent woman who can stand her own ground and do perfectly fine without you.
The reason why she bit into this “relationship” so hard is because she’s just a naturally passionate person. She knows that she’s opening herself up to getting hurt and betrayed. She knows that she’s prone to being disappointed a lot. But she doesn’t care. She knows that this is the only way that love should be done – without holding back. She doesn’t want to have any reservations. If she falls and gets hurt, then she’s okay because she knows she has the strength to pick herself back up again.
And after all, she knows that the fact life is no ain't fairy tales... she will always stand to her own voice and head to protect herself...
So if she comes on a little stronger than most women you know, then that shouldn’t be seen as a bad thing. You shouldn’t be intimidated by confidence. You shouldn’t shy away from a woman who wants to express her intimacy for you in various ways. You shouldn’t turn away the girl who has so much love in her heart. She is as strong as they come even though she falls so hard and so easily. Remember that only the strongest of men truly deserve her..
Note: Another masterpiece of a true story of a dreamer wearing a nightmare dress😓