I was attracted to some of the key points of Budget 2013, which was tabled by PM on the last September. Hehehe... In spite of agreed that the subsidy on sugar to be cut RM0.20 per kg...(since I x berape favor to eat or drink sweet thingy, plus to support a campaign of NO DIABETES among Malaysian *poyoo*), I was... bukanlah excited sbb I'm not the target market/person...tp mcm ter'trigger' pulak when PM announced that ' Through the Youth Communication Package, a one-off rebate RM200 will be provided for the purchase of one unit 3G Smartphone from authorised dealer kot!
the initiative is for youths aged between 21-30 years
[dalam hati nak tukar Samsung S3 ke iPhone5 da]
sambungan kata PM....with a monthly income RM3,000 and below ONLY!
Okla...whatever it is, my point is ...see.. Government is also playing their role to make each of citizen to become IT Savvy or in BM nye..celik IT by using any sources of technology devices which can connect us to the internet..to the fingertip of information.......via.. one of the most popular devices today is Smartphone!
It seems like nowadays people cannot go anywhere without Smartphones. Whether its checking emails, bills, bank account, weather, maps, FB updates, Twitter, Instragram, Dropbox, WhatsApp'ing', Youtube or perhaps playing SimSimi ;)))..... I am also like that...connecting and too depending on my Samsung S2! The best part my own memory capacity at brain has been replaced by a small nail-sized memory card inside my Smartphone.. Parahhhhhhhhh!!! Tak percaya ka?: See my below justifications: -
- Smartphone helps me to remind birthday people that I loved especially friends, with the good setting of music reminder lagik!
- Smartphone helps me to memorize telephone no. with the email, fax or contact image lagi! (just in case I don't remember how my friend's face look like ;p)
- Smartphone keeps all emails, username and passwords for each of my social networks and bank accounts (ha..this one dangerous!) Kalaulah hilang....mampusss! *papp...tampar muke sendiri*
- Smartphone always be my mobile dictionary & thesaurus. Siap cara nak pronounce lagi ok!
- Smartphone keeps all my appointments and meetings! Again with the favorite music reminder! Bukan takat music yang 'teng teng teng teng'.... ;P
- Smartphone helps me to memorize where I park my car at malls by snapping picture 'tiang parking lot' & save inside the gallery! Tadaaaaaa........
- Smartphone brings me to the location that I never know without need to remember the landmark / signboards easily!
- Smartphone shows me the image of certain things that I couldn't recall or know. Contohnya, when my officemates & I have the discussion about the bird called 'burung wak-wak' last week... since I don't know how burung wak-wak looks like..even majority of my friends there don't know ok.. I just simply googled image and type burung wak-wak..and ...papppp.....keluarlah seekor burung cantik ekor kontot2... and memasing like 'ooooo....ini burung wak wak'.... panjang je muncung masing2....
Oooit...kalau nak di 'list' kan lah jasa2 Smartphone during my lifetime now tak terhitung...... ;p Cuba sekarang bagi aku pakai 3310 Nokia mcm zaman belajar 6 years ago..... rasa macam dunia ni gelap gelita sebentar! Rasa mcm tak connect je dengan dunia luar!.... Ooo my God.... rasa mcm nak tampar je muka sendiri!
Oh ya, one thing I can see nowadays also, not my generation age aje yang fanatic to the Smartphone! Youngsters and teenagers lagilah kan jgn cakap...dieorg ni kan golongan golongan yang up-to-date & IT Savvy! Ni ha... toddler ni pun same..cannot live without Smartphone. The best example is my son la, Miqael is only 2 years +, while waiting for meal to be served at Mamak for example, he will asked me to get my Smartphone out. Cepat je jari kecik dia tu click Youtube and searching for his favorite cartoon! Even I thought that only happened to Miqael aje. Yesterday, me & hubby were outing at Lot 10 and before go jalan2 we plan to take our lunch first at the Pavilion Food Court. Guess what.. I can see 3, 4 parents there...were displaying their ipad / iphone / Samsung Note / the cikai sekali is Samsung S3 la in front of their toddlers while enjoying the food. Ok...there goes a trend now!!!!
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Gambar sekadar hiasan semata-mata 'p |
So kesimpulannya, as we are living in the world where information & not to forget entertainment are required instantly, we are the generation that will always and always rely on the technological advancements like Smartphones & Tablets. Technology makes life easier, technology makes things faster, technology gains productivity & efficiency.... bla...bla..bla... ... But along such gains in 'physical and material' convenience, there have been some losses also. One are of loss has been the degradation of our environment, culture, attitude and humanity. Dah terang terang segala yang datang dari manusia ni semua tak pernah perfect.... so, there will also bad impact in using Smartphones kan.......
Ok, I will not discuss about the disadvantages of Smartphones pulak... the argumentation on this are still on. Hahaha... To me, as long as it serve me right, then it will be right la.... cos' the one who control is us, kita sendiri. Smartphone is just an enabler - and we are the controller! Simple analogy, kalau kapal terbang terhempas, pernah tak kita salahkan sebab kapal terbang tu diperbuat daripada besi..sebab besi kan berat..so terhempas. Mestilah sbb ade kesilapan teknikal ke yang mmg disebabkan daripada kecuaian manusia sendiri kan! Well....nobody in this world is perfect. Albert Einstein yang mmg dah dideclare antara manusia tergenius dunia pun ada kekurangan dia juga...his married life with Mileva Maric pun hancur berkecai di zaman kegemilangan dia...Erk..........OK sebelum melalut lalut lagi... my message is clear! I just love the way of Smartphone serve my life today!